A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies Авторы: |
McFadden P.L. A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies — Geophys. J. Int. (1990) 103, 163-169 |
A new fold test in paleomagnetism (rehabilitation of the mean test) Авторы: |
Shipunov S.V. A new fold test in paleomagnetism (rehabilitation of the mean test) — Physics of the Solid Earth (1995) 31(4) 342–348 | Note: the mean test – correct to call the McElhinny's test |
Deformation and Paleomagnetism Авторы: |
Borradaile G.J. Deformation and Paleomagnetism — Surveys in Geophysics (1997) 18 405–435 |
Теги: |
Fold method in paleomagnetism |
Bazhenov M.L., Shipunov S.V. Fold method in paleomagnetism — Izvestiya, Earth Physics 1988 24(7) 576–585 |
Fold test in paleomagnetism: new approaches and reappraisal of data |
Bazhenov M.L., Shipunov S.V. Fold test in paleomagnetism: new approaches and reappraisal of data — Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 104 (1991) 16-24 |
Intersections of remanence small circles: new tools to improve data processing and interpretation in |
Waldhör M., Appel E. Intersections of remanence small circles: new tools to improve data processing and interpretation in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. Int. (2006) 166 33–45 |
Paleomagnetism: Continents and Oceans |
McElhinny M.W. & McFadden P.L. (2000) Paleomagnetism: Continents and Oceans |
Statistical significance of the fold fest in palaeomagnetism Авторы: |
McElhinny M.W. Statistical significance of the fold fest in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. (1964) 8, 338-340 |
Теги: |
Synfolding and prefolding magnetizations in the Upper Devonian Catskill Formation of eastern Pennsyl |
Miller J.D., Kent D.V. Synfolding and prefolding magnetizations in the Upper Devonian Catskill Formation of eastern Pennsylvania: Implications for the tectonic history of Acadia — Journal of Geophysical Research (1986) 91(B12) 12791–12803 |
Synfolding magnetization: Detection, testing and geological applications Авторы: |
Shipunov S.V. Synfolding magnetization: Detection, testing and geological applications — Geophysical Journal International (1997) 130 (2), 405-410 |
The direction-correction tilt test: an all-purpose tilt/fold test for paleomagnetic studies Авторы: |
Enkin R.J. The direction-correction tilt test: an all-purpose tilt/fold test for paleomagnetic studies — Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2003) 212 (1), 151-166 |
Теги: |
The evolution of the paleomagnetic fold test as applied to complex geologic situations... |
Weil A.B., Van der Voo R. The evolution of the paleomagnetic fold test as applied to complex geologic situations, illustrated by a case study from northern Spain — Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (2002) 27 1223–1235 |
Теги: |
The fold test as an analytical tool Авторы: |
McFadden P.L. The fold test as an analytical tool — Geophys. J. Int. (1998) 135, 329-338 |
The fold test in palaeomagnetism |
McFadden P.L., Jones D.L. The fold test in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. (1981) 67, 53-58 |
Теги: |
The fold test: an eigen analysis approach |
Tauxe L., Watson G.S. The fold test: an eigen analysis approach — Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1994) 122(3-4): 331-341 |
The two dimensional fold test in paleomagnetism using ipython notebook |
Setiabudidaya D., Piper J.D.A. The two dimensional fold test in paleomagnetism using ipython notebook — Earth and Environmental Science (2016) 29 012007 |