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Все книги и статьи на английском языке с тегом «Статистика»

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Statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data

Enkin R.J., Watson G.S. Statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data — Geophysical Journal International (1996) 126 (2), 495-504

Statistical analysis of spherical data

Fisher N.I., Lewis T., Embleton B.J.J. (1987) Statistical analysis of spherical data

Statistical methods in rock magnetism

Watson G.S., Irving E. Statistical methods in rock magnetism — Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. (1957) 7 289-300

Statistics of directional data (Contents+Chapter 1)

Mardia K.V. (1972) Statistics of directional data (Contents+Chapter 1)

Testing whether two Fisher distributions have the same centre

Watson G.S., Debiche M.G. Testing whether two Fisher distributions have the same centre — Geophys. J. Int. (1992) 109 225-232

The fold test as an analytical tool

McFadden P.L. The fold test as an analytical tool — Geophys. J. Int. (1998) 135, 329-338

The fold test: an eigen analysis approach

Tauxe L., Watson G.S. The fold test: an eigen analysis approach — Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1994) 122(3-4): 331-341

The theory of concentrated Langevin distributions

Watson G.S. The theory of concentrated Langevin distributions — Journal of Multivariate Analysis (1984) 14 74–82

Three aspects of the statistics of directions

Watson G.S. Three aspects of the statistics of directions — Princeton University (1981) Technical Report No 188
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