Geoffrey S. Watson

Статьи автора на английском языке с тегом «Основы»

A test for randomness of directions

Watson G.S. A test for randomness of directions — Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. (1956) 7 160-161

Analysis of dispersion on a sphere

Watson G.S. Analysis of dispersion on a sphere — Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. (1956) 7 153-159

Statistical methods in rock magnetism

Watson G.S., Irving E. Statistical methods in rock magnetism — Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. (1957) 7 289-300

The theory of concentrated Langevin distributions

Watson G.S. The theory of concentrated Langevin distributions — Journal of Multivariate Analysis (1984) 14 74–82
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